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Lepilemur fleuretae Louis et al., 2006

Scientific name: 
Scientist name: 
Louis et al., 2006
Hataka, Trangalava, Kotrika, Fitiliky, Kotriana
Andohahela Sportive Lemur
Fleurette’s Wieselmaki
Other english: 
Fleurette’s Sportive Lemur
Lépilémur du Andohahela, Lépilémur de Fleurette



Lepilemur fleuretae is a medium-sized sportive lemur with a head-body length of 24–26 cm, a tail length of 27–30 cm, a total length of 51–56 cm, and a weight of 800–980 g (Louis et al., 2006b). The pelage is predominantly gray above, lighter brownish-gray below, with a grayish-brown mixture along the proximal portion of the extremities and some light brown along the lateral edges of the belly. The fur is noticeably lighter over the eyelids than on the rest of the face. A diffuse stripe runs along the midline, starting from the forehead and continuing approximately half-way down the back. The tail is reddish-gray proximally, becoming darker gray towards the tip (Louis et al., 2006b).