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Microcebus arnholdi Louis et al., 2008

Scientific name: 
Scientist name: 
Louis et al., 2008
Montagne d’Ambre Mouse Lemur
Arnhold’s Mausmaki
Other english: 
Arnhold’s Mouse Lemur
Microcèbe de la Montagne d’Ambre, Microcèbe d’Arnhold



Microcebus arnholdi is a medium-sized mouse lemur with a head-body length of 10– 12.6 cm, a tail length of 10.6–13.6 cm, a total length of 20.6–26.2 cm, and a body weight of 50 g (Louis et al., 2008). The overall dorsal pelage is a mixture of dark brown, red and gray. There is a dark brown midline dorsal stripe that runs down to the base of the tail. The tail is dark brown near the tip. The ventral fur is white to cream with gray undertones. The head is predominantly red with dark brown on the muzzle and surrounding the eyes, with a white nose ridge that stops at the distal end of the muzzle (Louis et al., 2008).